
‘The survey is a critical onsite review to ascertain the security posture, identify deficiencies or excesses, determine the protection needed and make recommendations to improve overall security based upon the identified threats’

Design Security Ltd works with clients assisting them in establishing their own survey programmes, so that clients can own and effectively manage their organisations security.

Security should be reviewed regularly or when one or more have occurred:

  • Immediately after a security loss event
  • Changes of key personnel
  •  Changes to business process
  •  Change of building use
  •  Occupation of a new building


The survey enables the following:

  • Identification of deficiencies or excess of current security measures
  • Improve organisational risk planning
  • Drafting of response and resilience plans for incidents
  • Indentifies mitigation strategies against defined threats
  • Enable residual risk evaluation
  • Kick start the security audit system



The audit is used to check existing processes to verify if they are still ‘fit for purpose’ and identifies where weaknesses may be exploited by defined threats.

Design Security Ltd works with its clients to establish an auditing programme to agreed threat levels and then can assist with training staff to continue auditing security aspects of the business. This enables increased understanding by employees of business security and enables maintenance of an ongoing audit process to identify potential problems that could result in a loss. An audit complements the existing quality management process within the organisation.

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